Car Wash System and App Development
Bluestone Apps specializes in producing a complete car wash platform with computer configuration, equipment integration, and a comprehensive mobile app development experience. From start to finish, we take ideas and transform them into reality.
Automation for your
Car Wash
Your car wash system will be automated with an onsite computer that connects your car wash equipment with a cloud database. Car washes begin and end based on the signal sent to the car wash bay from the user selected wash type.
QR Codes for Each Car Wash Bay or Tunnel
Each of your car wash bays will have a unique QR code. This tells the computer what bay to start and the car wash service to use.
Custom Wash Packages for Customers to Select
Customers will select a custom car wash service that you have set up. Customers can subscribe to monthly plans or select a one time wash.
Your Own Car Wash App
Web Portal Management
Your owner web portal will provide you with user statistics, payments, reports and the ability to send out marketing messages to your customers.
Your Car Wash Automated and User Friendly
Your car wash system will simplify customer engagement, provide a streamlined process and give you an efficient and money saving solution.