Redefining Test Prep
After three years of steady growth, Pocket Prep felt like they had hit a plateau. Various freelancers and agencies worked with them across their more than 70 live mobile learning apps with mixed success. They then turned to developing a new app for help with several recurring customer pain points.
App development work began with Pocket Prep by facilitating a number of brainstorming sessions, analyzing the existing code and data, and better understanding their customer base. The resulting insights helped guide the initial work, which was to create an entirely new onboarding flow, dashboard, and navigation structure for iOS.
Services they Utilized:
Branding, User Experience, Visual Design, Development, Analytics, Marketing
A Dashboard Optimized for Test Takers
Pocket Prep’s previous app buried one of the most compelling use cases for the app — its personalized user history and statistics. Based on user research, they created a detailed, data-driven dashboard and brought it to the forefront of the app experience. They simplified the delivery of the essential user-specific statistics with bright-colored graphs and numbers, emphasizing the user’s improvement over time and breathing life into the design.
More Useable at a Glance
Pocket Prep’s reimagined their existing user experience and visual interface design, focusing on making the core screens more readable at a glance and navigation more intuitive.
Unique Yet United
Based on the number of apps Pocket Prep has, we created a new theme that would feel unique and yet united across all of their apps and platforms. We ended up designing five different themes based on a single line of code, allowing each app to be re-themed with minimal effort.
Delight Through Animation
To help immediately convey what Pocket Prep is about to those unfamiliar with them, we designed an interactive onboarding experience. Instead of showing screenshots and interface elements of the app, we created custom illustrations to simply introduce the value propositions of Pocket Prep.