Swift Orthotics App Case Study
Swift Orthotics App Case Study
customize your own special pair of shoes
with swift orthotics!
What is the Swift Orthotics App?
The Swift Orthotics App allows you to measure your feet to custom-make shoes, according to your selected features. Using this App, you can measure your foot length, width, and heel height and can also select your shoe type - running, sports, etc. Men and women can place orders to create your shoes which are then shipped directly to your doorstep.
The Swift Orthotics App allows you to take measurements of your feet using its in-App camera, save your measurement images, and place your orders from anywhere you want! Choose your style and brand your shoes with in-App configuration. Choose your size, shoe color, and additional features. Design your footwear however you like!
Utilized Services:
Branding, User Experience, Interface Design, Development, Analytics, Marketing
Many Uses for the Swift Orthotics App
The Swift Orthotics App guarantees access to comfortable, high-quality shoes. Only quality materials are used to ensure the utmost high-quality, comfortable sneakers. Our factory is prepared for any type of shoe production and any quantity.
Not only does the Swift Orthotics App provide customization and awesome shoes, but it also provides a consistent informational feed of the latest running trends and news. Read up on topics such as “What is arch support and how does it help me?”, and “Is hip, foot, knee or back pain keeping you from living the life you love?”.
Corporate Events
Company / Holiday Gifts
Exhibitions / Projects
Fans and Clubs
Church / Religious Events
No Matter the Sport, Swift Orthotics is There
The Swift Orthotics Process
Make your Design
Start with the in-App configuration - choose your shoe style, colors, and materials. You can create your own design and the customization is extremely simple.
Our designer’s department will check your design and prepare the production document.
We are the manufacturers, who will take care of all the details during the production process.
In about 30 days, your finished, customized shoes will be ready and sent directly to your doorstep.
Pricing will depend on the model and quantity.